Friday, January 28, 2011

4-Bean Salad

"You give but little when you give of your possessions.  It's when you give of yourself that you truly give." 

This quote was posted on page 26 of the Trophy Recipes cookbook; Quotes and attributes it to Khalil Gibran.  I would have trusted that attribution without question had I not read Keith Bruzelius' posting on Facebook today, "The problem with quotes on the internet is that it is hard to verify their authenticity." - Abraham Lincoln."

The first line quoted above is a true statement, no matter who said it, and I'll add a truly verifiable quotation:  "Let every detail in your lives—words, actions, whatever—be done in the name of the Master, Jesus, thanking God the Father every step of the way." Colossians 3:17, The Message
I did get out of order in cooking <hangs head> but not in blogging - last evening I needed a main dish (and 'coincidentally' had time to cook something), so I went on to the next recipe.  Today, however, it's Four-Bean Salad day.  I have the morning off which certainly isn't enough time to quilt, clean, make Four-Bean Salad, do laundry, and finish our Financial Peace University cash flow statement before I shower and head to work. There are always too many tasks for the time allotted! I'm definitely going to cook and quilt.

The Four-Bean Salad needs time for the flavors to meld, so I'll make it a priority and we will have it for supper tonight. 

Here is a similar recipe for Four-Bean Salad, which should look like the picture below.

I have a much-used recipe for Texas Caviar that is also quite similar to this one, except it adds chopped green pepper and shoepeg corn (love that shoepeg corn!)  Even though many people like it, there's always a lot left over.  I always have to take leftovers to work for days to use it up - Merlyn gets tired of it after one sitting.  I suppose I could freeze it for another dinner party or potluck.

The next question is, "what is the best way to keep track of meals you've saved in the freezer?"

Returning to the tasks of the day, I have changed the bed, brushed the cat, reconciled the checkbook and started a load of laundry.  And I just finished making Four-Bean Salad. Putting together the salad reminded me of summer picnics and potlucks in my childhood: Mom often made 3-bean salad (and it wasn't really my favorite - especially in a group meal where there were oodles of wonderful dishes). I'll have to ask her why she chose that dish: whether she made it because no one at home would eat it and that way she'd get to have some once in awhile; or because it was inexpensive and easy, or some other reason I can't fathom. 

Merlyn *hates* the smell of cooking vinegar so I had to wait until he would be gone for awhile and I can get rid of the odor (it's relatively warm out so I can open the door for awhile).  Notice I said 'relatively' - in Pierre SD and January that means anything above 20 degrees.  I'm going to post this and add a paragraph later about the eating of the Four-Bean Salad.


Here's the challenge: I'm going to make each recipe in the cookbook, "Recipes from Columbia Classics Car Club 1992-2002,' Tri-Cities, WA", one recipe per section, and blog about it.  And then I'll go on to the next section.

Next Section: Main Dishes
Next Recipe:  Asparagus Pasta

I'll be back after it's cooked.  Bon Appetit!

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